Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 12 Website Building

I spent 12 hours building a website using google sites. I have to say it was very complicated. I feel I am reasonably computer savy but this task was mind numbing. I actually built four sites as I got so messed up and had to abandon them as I could not delete them or content. I would add things and not then be able to get them off. I couldn't remove things or change the titles in the template. I ended up going into HTML and rewriting. I wanted to add more gadget and things to the home page and I just could not figure out how.
Anyway, I wanted to produce a website that I would really get some use out of so I used the template as it had many of the elements I wanted for my classroom website.
Some of the elements are homework updates, calender, class photos, my bio and newsletter. All of which will make my communication with the parents and kids easier as everything is now centralized. I also added reading lists, a google document presentation on fractions and vocabulary builder. All of which will enhance the students learning. There is a page with links that the students can access from home to go to their extra math programs and their kidsblog website where they work on writing and peer editing, I was happy with my end result.  Although it took so long I feel I have so much time invested that I have to use it. Maybe over time I will become more adept with google sites.
Here is my MY WEBSITE I hope you enjoy.

Week 12 Reflection

The lessons that I feel are relevant to my current professional development are lesson 5 and lesson 8
Lesson 5 is that you need to acquire a strong set of skills in the production of instructional media. This last year I was interviewing for a teaching job and often the question was asked as to how much experience I have had with media and technology. Luckily I had taught a year as a computer and media specialist in a local school. So was not a complete dummy, and got the job. I agree with Reiser that instructional media has changed frequently. (Reiser. 257) When I started my quest to go into teaching the technology was still very simple. Now we have smart boards, blogs, websites, e- courses and many more different programs. I still don’t think I have acquired a strong set of media skills as the field is changing so fast. All I can do is continue to grow my knowledge by studying and being part of courses like this one. I believe if I want to be a 21st century teacher I need to know the technology of the 21st century.
Lesson 8 is developing a strong set of communication skills. Strong and clear communication skills are important whether you are in ID or a teacher. You have to be able to get your point over to students, faculty, and co workers. The great thing with technology is that it can be used to help you get you message across. We just set up a blog through kidblog in my class and it opens up communication with all students and helps develop written content and reading skills. Communication is so pivotal in our lives. And we need to be masters of that domain.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 11 Reflection

I think that the three contexts business, P-12 and higher education do have some similar themes when it comes to instructional design.  I think they are all looking to design student or employee centered instruction and training. However, each has different successes within their fields for different reasons. ID is very large in industrial and business settings as the training is better funded because the rewards are more profitable. With P-12 education it is and has been very student centered and often many packages of software and systems are remakes or clones that are not advancing ID. It did surprise me that Ed was one of the lowest implemented ID contexts. Funding is a big problem and yet  with NCLB and now the common core requiring students to be more college and job ready, I think industry and government need to provide funds and systems. Higher ed while student centered driven by faculty is where the innovation should come from. Research fellows who specialize in ID need to cultivate peer relationships and work to enhance and cultivate educational demands for students coming into this field.

I believe that P-12 education could learn from the business model by using ID systems and technology to train educators. There by generating more buy in by educators who in turn would become comfortable with technology and be willing to use the student centered technologies. I also would like Higher Ed to come into the schools especially during jobs fairs and college recruiting fairs to let students know that there are great careers in ID. There are opportunities within the higher ed system to do research and develop designs that really matter.  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 11 Concept Mapping with

This week we were introduced to It is very similar to kidspiration that I have used before. The nice thing about is that it's free and I can work on this from home and bring it to the classroom. My concept mapping is for our science fair project in fourth grade. I give them a rubric and this map work help them follow the Scientific Method when they are doing and writing up their experiments. We teach this method of reasoning throughout our practical labs, and the students could use this chart to become familiar and consistent on their science reporting. The bubbles are different colors. the yellow are numbered and are the order of their experimenting. The purple are guides as to what needs to be recorded. The green are tips or reminders. The orange are important instructions. If the students follow this map they will have a solid understanding of the scientific method that they can use every time we are in the lab.

Scientific Method Concept Mapping

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week #10 Sceeen Casting

Screen Casting Lesson
This week’s assignment of embedding a screencast video into my blog was a lot easier than I thought. I really like how Jing makes it user friendly to accomplish this task. I also played with Camtasia and I think it would be great to use as more advanced screencast. I liked the various add-ons built into the editor. I would use this week’s example I have posted to guide my students on how to add items to their blog sites. They could watch on my blog then follow along on their blogs on a split screen to complete this task. There are many applications for this technology. They could be gathering information and displaying videos during a science fair.
I could even leave an entire a days substitute plans that could be put up on my smart board. They could have lessons built right into the screencast that the students could follow along and I would know they are doing what I want while I am gone.
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